How To Respond To Potential Abuse At A Nursing Home

When you visit a nursing home to see your loved one, the nursing care facility will likely do everything they can to prove that they are caring for your loved one to an acceptable degree. However, nursing home abuse is prevalent, and you may need to be proactive to pinpoint warning signs of elder abuse.

Direct Physical Abuse

While abuse is often associated with deliberate physical harm, abuse can also come in the form of neglect. However, some nursing homes engage in direct physical abuse by hitting or cutting elderly residents. The challenge of investigating these injuries is that elders will sometimes sustain injuries as a result of mobility concerns.

Injuries Resulting From Mobility Issues

Even if your loved one has mobility issues, the nursing home might be responsible for injuries. For example, even if he or she has fallen in the bathtub, the nursing home should have taken note of your loved one's difficulty balancing and should have placed anti-slip mats and grab bars in the shower or provided a chair for your loved one to sit on.


More commonly, elderly abuse is a result of neglect. You will want to pay attention to your loved one to make sure that he or she has been recently cleaned and bathed. Because your loved one might struggle with mobility, he or she might also struggle with self-care. You will need to look further into the care of your loved one to make sure that he or she isn't being neglected further. Pay attention to your loved one's mood. If he or she is appearing depressed or anxious, this can be a sign that he or she is being abused or neglected. 

Seeking Justice for Elder Abuse

Fortunately, there are several laws put in place on the state and federal level that protect elders from abuse. You'll want to speak to a nursing home abuse attorney who will help you fight for the right of your elder. You may need to gather evidence that can help the police investigate what happened and bring those working at the nursing home to justice.

The Importance of Hiring a Nursing Home Attorney

Even if you have just moved your loved one into a nursing home, you should contact a nursing home attorney who can review the paperwork and may also be able to give advice on the nursing home your loved one will be staying at.
