What To Do When You Face Workplace Retaliation For Using Workers Compensation

Have you filed a workers compensation claim after being injured on the job, and now you feel like your employer is retaliating against you? If so, you'll definitely want to know what to do in this unique legal situation regarding workers compensation. Know Your Rights It's important that you know what your rights are in this type of situation. Employers are not allowed to retaliate against any employee that uses workers compensation after being injured. Read More 

What Can You Recover After A Car Accident?

Unfortunately, car accidents are incredibly common, and they can lead to severe injury or even death. If you've been involved in an accident, you may want to contact an attorney to ensure you get the full settlement you deserve. If you would like to know more, keep reading to find out what you can recover after a car accident. Medical Bills  Naturally, you can recoup any medical bills related to the injury and accident. Read More 

What Factors Go Into A Whiplash Injury Settlement?

One common injury that can happen is whiplash, which is technically known as soft tissue damage. This can happen during a slip and fall, a car accident, or any injury where your neck and back suffer an injury from a sudden jerking movement. It can cause neck pain, headaches, stiffness, and cause problems with your range of motion. In some situations, it can even cause chronic pain. Here are some of the factors that determine how much your whiplash injury could be worth due to a lawsuit. Read More